Monday, February 28, 2011

Copy of a Copy

Trapped dust on a spider's web:
far northern corner of a woodshed,
I am aware of myself aware:
behind myself I see me stare
at caught dust on a spider's web.

I craft the word intuitively,
mimic madly what I see as me:
bold gift of a balding friar,
I am a universal liar
pretending dust on a spider's web.

Inside a world looking out
I know I know but know to doubt:
self-consciously I touch your face
and smile - such pursuit of grace
as patterns dust on a spider's web.

used with permission

Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Geography of a Poet's Heart

There is a well-worth-reading interview in the Vol. 15 , No. 1 edition of the Raven Chronicles of Peter Ludwin, mostly regarding his book, A Guest In All Your Houses by Christopher J. Jarmick.